Friday, August 21, 2020

Alzheimer’s Disease Case Study free essay sample

M. E. is a 62-year-elderly person who has a 5-year history of dynamic distraction. She is not, at this point ready to think about herself, has gotten progressively discouraged and suspicious, and as of late lit a fire in the kitchen. After broad neurologic assessment, M. E. is analyzed as having Alzheimer’s sickness. Her significant other and youngsters have gone to the Alzheimer’s unit at your ECF (broadened care office) for data about this sickness and to talk about the chance of arrangement for M. E. You promise the family that you have experience managing the inquiries and worries of a great many people in their circumstance. 1. How might you disclose Alzheimer’s ailment to the family? 2. The spouse asks, â€Å"How did she get Alzheimer’s? We don’t know any other person who has it. † How might you react? 3. In the wake of requesting that the family portray M. E. ’s conduct, you discover that she is in stage two of Alzheimer’s three phases. We will compose a custom exposition test on Alzheimer’s Disease Case Study or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Depict normal S/S for each phase of the malady. 4. The girl communicates dissatisfaction at the quantity of tests M. E. needed to experience and the period of time it took for somebody to conclusion M. E. ’s issue. What tests are probably going to be performed and how is Alzheimer’s malady analyzed? The spouse states, â€Å"How would you say you are going to deal with her? She meanders around throughout the night. She can’t discover her way to the washroom in a house she’s lived in for a long time. She can’t be trusted to be separated from everyone else any more; she nearly torched the house. We’re all depleted; there are three of us, and we can’t stay aware of her. You recognize how depleted they should be from attempting to keep her safe. You tell the family that there is no known treatment however Alzheimer’s units have been made to give an organized, safe condition for every individual. 5. Depict the Alzheimer’s-related nursing mediations R/T(related to) every one of the accompanying nursing care issues: self-care shortages, upset rest design, weakened verbal correspondence, debilitated psychological capacity, hazard for injury, and disturbance. . M. E. ’s child asks what various prescriptions may be endorsed for M. E. How might you portray the reason for antiseizure, psychological, antipsychotic, energizer, or narcotic prescriptions for a patient like M. E.? You attempt to comfort the family by revealing to them that the issues they are encountering are exceptionally normal. You clarify that family support is a significant focal point of your program. 7. Rundown four different ways that M. E. ’s family may get the help they need.

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